Francien Schatborn

Francien Schatborn studied viola with Jürgen Kussmaul at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam. In 1995 she gratuated Cum Laude. She took masterclasses bij a.o. Tabea Zimmermann and Kim Kashkashian. In 1994 she was awarded the ‘Zilveren Vriendenkrans van het Koninklijk Concertgebouw en –Concertgebouworkest’ with pianist Jeannette Koekkoek, her regular pianist. Their first CD, with romantic Dutch music, was released in 2003 with Etcetera, as well as their second CD, with all viola sonatas of Röntgen (2006). Both CD’s were received very well.
Since 1995 Francien is solo violist of the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest. As chamber musician Francien has performed in Europe, the United States, South-America and Asia, with ensembles such as the Reizend Muziekgezelschap of Christiaan Bor. She was invited as solist with many orchestras, such as the Radio Kamerorkest, the Noord-Hollands Philharmonisch, Holland Symfonia, the Nederlands Studenten Orkest and her own orchestra, the Radio Filharmonisch Orkest. Since 2013 Francien is viola teacher at the Sweelinck Conservatorium Amsterdam.
She plays on a Maggini viola from 1610.